Part 2 After you have taught your MBA students, you must determine if they have absorbed the material sufficiently to demonstrate your stated learning objectives. Create a written assessment that is not an instrument such as a quiz or test, such as an essay, case-study analysis, small focused research project, or a combination of strategies. The assessment submission should be required to be 3–6 double-spaced content pages in length, plus title and reference pages. You should also set a minimum number of sources for your students to support their work. For a 3–6 page submission, 6–12 is often appropriate, depending on the type of assessment you are designing. You will also need to complete a rubric to measure the extent to which students demonstrated mastery of the material. The department chair has specified that your assessment must evaluate student achievement on at least one of two course learning objectives: Recommend a framework for supply chain management. Analyze contemporary trends and issues in effective supply chain management. Keep these learning objectives in mind as you are creating your assessment.

Additional important considerations are:

  • Does your assessment help your students demonstrate your stated learning objectives?
  • Can your assessment be completed with what you have taught your MBA students and additional research they can reasonably complete using the university library or credible Internet resources?
  • Can your assessment be accurately measured with the rubric you created?
  • Is your rubric constructed in such a way that you can easily provide clear, useful feedback to your students?

For this portion of the assignment, submit: Complete instructions for an assessment for students to prepare, including required content and expectations of formatting and rigor. A completed grading rubric, including three performance levels describing what is considered excellent, proficient, and basic quality work for each criterion. Your assignment will be considered successful to the extent that it: Includes a measurable assessment that aligns with the content, learning objectives, and expectations for adult students in a supply chain management lesson plan. Provides an appropriate and aligned rubric that facilitates the evaluation and communication of achievement of adult learners regarding specific learning objectives related to supply chain management.

Additional Requirements As you complete your assignment, be sure your submission meets the following guidelines: Written communication: Use error-free, doctoral-level writing, with original (non-plagiarized) content, logical phrasing, and accurate word choices. APA formatting: Format all references and citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines. Refer to the Academic Writer as needed. Font and font size: Use appropriate professional typography for Part 1: headings set at 24–36 points and bulleted list items at 16–18 points as a guideline. Use a consistent, APA-compliant font, 12 points for Part 2. Length: Part 1, PowerPoint deck, 10–15 slides with detailed notes sections. Part 2, as needed to accommodate the assessment, roughly 3–6 double-spaced pages. Scholarship: Utilize the five resources you analyzed in your Week 4 assignment plus three scholarly or practitioner sources to support your points.