Professional & Personal Values Evaluation

Based on the numbers provided for the Professional and Personal Values Evaluation, write a 2-page essay-style paper.

Discuss areas of strength and areas of opportunity for growth. Identify steps you can take to better develop the areas of opportunity.

Answer Key               0= Not at all

                                     3= To a small extent

                                     5= Somewhat

                                     7 = To a Great Extent

                                    10= Totally and Completely


To what extent do I respect other people? 10

To what extent do you serve as a good steward of the talent, authority, resources, and position I hold? 10

To what extent are you an ethical person? 10

To what extent do you keep your word? 7

To what extent do you seek to develop positive and wholesome relationships with others? 5

To what extent do you desire to serve others? 10

To what extent do you desire to make a difference and offer positive changes and contributions? 10

To what extent are you committed to the vision and goals of your organization? 10

To what extent do you work hard? 10

To what extent are you a highly dedicated person? 10

To what extent are you emotionally mature? 10

To what extent do you value the contributions of a team? 7

To what extent do you cooperate with fellow team members? 10

To what extent do you share information and other resources with fellow team members? 10

To what extent do you try to build trust with others? 10

To what extent are you willing to trust others? 5

To what extent do you affirmatively try to bring conflict to the surface to manage it effectively? 10