Task 2. Short Writing Task

Short Writing Task – 30% 1000 words (+/- 10%)

(This is the correct word limit, the unit guide says 1500 words which is incorrect)

Description: This task requires you to outline FOUR key concepts from the course

You MUST choose from the following list of concepts:

  • Illness
  • Limit situations
  • Medicalization
  • Biomedicine
  • Socialization
  • Cartesian dualism
  • Symbolism
  • Ritual
  • Phenomenology
  • Therapeutic Emplotment
  • Illness Narrative


Choose four concepts from the list above. For each concept give a definition or outline of the concept USING YOUR OWN WORDS. Give two examples of the concept in use; One example drawn from literature in the course or from your own reading and one from your own experience.

For example you might describe the medicalization of pregnancy in a specific context or give an example of chronic illness as a limit situation — keep it brief, this doesnt need to be an argument, only a demonstration that you understand the concept.

Devote roughly 250 words per concept.

When describing your own experience, you should of course use the first person perspective — if you’re not sure how to do this, or if using first person voice is new to you in an academic context, absorb and imitate the writing styles of those found in the course — Havi Carel’s ‘Illness: the Cry of the flesh’ is a good place to start. Try to imitate the ethnographic description of readings we have looked at so far and which we explored in the first lecture — when outlining your own experience, you are essentially doing ethnographic description of your own life.

You should use atleast ONE reference per concept (four references for the task in total).