M! packback discussion bsc

Create a question on bacterial adaptations and answer the question in 150 words. See example below.

Example: do not use this example
Could eukaryotes have formed in a different way than endosymbiosis?
While I was working on the short answer questions, I was wondering if when eukaryotes essentially evolved from prokaryotes, could they have formed not from endosymbiosis, but in another way? If they did happen to form in a different way, how did it happen and work?

Then Respond to the two classmate responses below:

Classmate response 1

Could humans ever get to a point where we could photosynthesize?
Going through the lecture and looking at the various nutrition types for protists we have autotrophs, heterotrophs and mixotrophs got me thinking about how humans obtain nutrition.

Autotrophs can produce their own food (via photosynthesis), heterotrophs must consume/ingest their food, and mixotrophs can do both.
As we continue to evolve over the course of thousands/millions of years, do you ever think we will get to a point to where we could produce our own nutrients?
It seems far fetched to think about but this National Geographic article examines some interesting case studies from other organisms.

Classmate response 2

What characteristics of life to pre-cells exhibit, and which are they lacking that cause them not to be true cells?

After watching the lecture video, I was interested in learning about the Four-stage hypothesis for the origin of life. I especially was interested in Stage 3, more specifically pre-cells. I had taken many biology courses in high school, and had never heard about pre-cells, so this caught my attention. The lecture tells us that pre-cells are not true cells because they do not exhibit all the characteristics of life. My question is about what the characteristics of life are that are exhibited to make a true cell, and which ones the pre-cells have.