Answer each question thoroughly. The length of your answer to each question should be no more than one page. Only professional references may be used (except question 1 part 2). Professional references (sources) are articles less than 5 years old from professional journals, professional textbooks less than 5 years old, governmental websites, institutions of higher learning websites, and position papers from professional healthcare organizations. Also, cite all references in the text (body) of your answer and include a complete list of all references used on a separate reference page at the end of the case study. This is NOT a formal paper. Therefore, you are not required to include a title page or page formatting such as headings. In fact, you may answer the questions directly on this
document. The only APA requirements are correct citations and a separate reference page at the end of the case study. This assignment meets the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Standards 1-5.

Question 1
The Influence of Cultural and Health Belief Systems on Health Care Practices According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 80% of the people in the world use Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for treatment of common illnesses. Select a common illness, such as upper respiratory infection, arthritis, or a similar condition, and
1. Describe a selected CAM therapy/practice that patients might use to treat it.
2. What is the cost of the selected CAM therapy/practice described in part 1? You must include an actual price and state where you obtained this information. You may use a quoted price from a business that provides services/access to your chosen CAM therapy/practice.
3. What is the efficacy of the selected CAM therapy/practice described in part 1? Please reference a journal article less than 5 years old in your answer.
4. How effective do you think the selected CAM therapy/practice described in part 1 is compared with allopathic medicine?

Question 2
Religion, Culture, and Nursing
In providing nursing care for the dying patient from the Hindu culture, discuss four (4) cultural considerations the nurse should include in the plan of care? Please reference a journal article less than 5 years old in your answer.

NURS 310 1st Case Study Submission Grading Criteria

The purpose of this evaluation is to allow the student an opportunity to obtain feedback from the instructor on this assignment and incorporate the instructor’s top 3 recommendations for improvement in the final (2nd) case study submission.
Criteria Addressed Not Addressed

 Select a common illness and describe a selected CAM therapy/practice that patients might use to treat it.   20 points

 What is the cost of the selected CAM therapy/practice described in part 1? You must include an actual price and state where you obtained this information. You may use a quoted price from a local business that provides services/access to your chosen CAM therapy/practice.   10 points

 What is the efficacy of the selected CAM therapy/practice described in part 1? Please reference a minimum of two journal articles less than 5 years old in your answer.  20 points

 How effective do you think the selected CAM therapy/practice described in part 1 is compared with allopathic medicine?  10 points

 In providing nursing care for the dying patient from the Hindu culture, discuss four (4) cultural considerations the nurse should include in the plan of care? Please include a journal article less than 5 years old in your answer.   40 points

TOTAL 100 Points 0 Points