A country

First, your paper should have some logical structure. It is reasonable to start with a short introduction in which you explain importance of your topic and very briefly state what issues your paper is going to discuss. The main body of your paper ideally should have several subsections. Finally, you finish by discussion and/or conclusion section. I want you in conclusion to provide your own point of view, review your findings, and discuss what lessons can be made from your story, etc. The depth and originality of your conclusions will be an important factor in paper evaluation.

If your topic is a country, describe in particular main macroeconomic characteristics like human resources (demographic trends, level of education), business environment, infrastructure, cultural peculiarities, etc. as elements affecting its economic progress. You are always welcome to provide some broader context to the topic you research. For example, writing about education in South Korea can be preceded by more general basic information about that country, the same when you describe how some country manages Covid pandemic, etc.

Second important requirement to your paper is an adequate supply of current statistics on your subject. Clearly, amount of data you can easily find very much depends on your concrete topic, but in general, I expect you to support your narrative by data. The data you are using should be current, which usually means one-two years old (because Covid distorted many statistic parameters, many current studies refer to pre Covid year 2019). In some cases even 4-5 years old data are OK, especially if these are the most recent data you can find.

Think what data you have can be represented in the form of tables or charts. Using existing tables and charts from web is fine if their formats are appropriate for the paper, but making your own tables and charts by Excel is clearly a plus. Always provide references for all data you use.