Concert critique

Find and select a video of a concert online choice.

Note: the genre of music must be western classical or one of its derivate subgenres—no rock/pop/country, etc. You must submit a 3-4 page (not including cover page New Roman, size 12 font), typewritten review of this concert. It is necessary that you witness the full duration of the concert, and the concert in question shall be a minimum of 60 minutes in length.

A concert critique is a personal reaction to the music presented at the concert. Discuss what was found enjoyable, distressing, fun, or even boring about the various selections on the entire program. Comments on extra-musical items are necessary as well. Attending a concert is about people watching, so, what type of people do you see at the concert? Old, Young? Rich, Poor? Also, what is happening on stage? When do people clap? When and how do the performers enter the stage? Does the audience interact with the performers? Why?