Journal Prompt

For the Journal Prompt, pick one of the prompts in the bottom section of this assignment. Use this time to reflect on the weekly studies and connect to them in a deeper way. I’m interested in what you think, not what someone with a fancy degree thinks. It’s great to seek out sources, just make sure they’re cited and you’re summarizing in your own words (copy + paste = plagiarism). Yes, even if a few adjectives or nouns were altered.

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Grading Criteria
This assignment section is worth 25% of the final grade. This assignment becomes the text you post for the Discussion Response thread. Answer fully using 200-500 words (include word count). The available questions change based on our studies for the week. Save as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file.

Perceiving Color? (1.4)
Divide yourselves into pairs or small ■ groups. Each person should choose a color artwork. Focusing on the artist’s use of color, write a paragraph on the artwork you have chosen, and one on each artwork picked by other members of the group. In these paragraphs make sure you describe all of the colors that you see in the work. Do you have any personal associations with these colors? At the end of the exercise, compare your results with those of your group members. The differences and similarities that result from this comparison should show you that there often can be shared perceptions of certain colors, but also that viewing color is a very subjective experience.

The Popularity of Painting (2.2)
Painting is widely regarded as the most popular artistic medium and is the one that most people associate with the practice of visual art. Discuss why this might be. Why not sculpture or architecture? Is there one medium within painting, for example oil paint, or tempera, that most represents this phenomenon?