Physiological processes to real-world scenarios.

Your post should be between 100-300 words. Your initial post should be thoughtful and help spark discussion -do not just copy typed notes! Here are some ideas of what you can write about…

• Check out the list of questions in further Questions for Investigate, and address one of the questions related to the lecture! When addressing these questions, use terminology from the lecture. By the way, you won’t ever be tested on the questions on this list; these additional questions are only meant to spark curiosity and discussion in this forum :)

  •  Bring up a question, confusion, or issue related to course material you want input on.
  •  What resonated with you from the lecture. Why?
  •  Summarize a big idea or insight that you took away from the lecture.
  •  Investigate and describe possible clinical applications of what was discussed in the lecture.
  •  Link or attach a specific resource (video, article, image, etc.) that explains a related topic in extra depth and explain why it could be useful.
  •  Is there something you were hoping to learn about in this lecture that didn’t get talked about? If so, what?
  •  Make a meme that summarizes an important concept from the lecture.
  •  Discuss study techniques for specific lecture topics

One Reply due Sunday at 11:59pm
Your reply to at least one of your peers should be between 50-300 words. Your reply should show you are engaged in the discussion by addressing ideas brought up

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Special Senses – Vision
What are the different forms of colorblindness?

  • Does the color of your iris affect your vision? (e.g. brown eyes versus blue eyes)
  • Where does “eye strain” originate from – muscles around the eye, muscles inside the eye, or something else?

Special Senses – Hearing & Equilibrium
• How do personal hearing aid devices work?

  • Does an ear infection affect hearing or equilibrium?
  • What causes the sensation of motion sickness?
  • Why do some people get vertigo or motion sickness more than others?
  • Why do we feel dizzy after spinning in a circle?
  • What causes that occasional “ringing” sound in our ears?
  • When water gets “stuck” in our ears (swimming in a pool, from the shower, etc.) what part of the ear is the water stuck in?
  • If you happened to have a punctured eardrum, and water got in your ears from swimming in a pool, where would the water leak into?

Blood, Heart, and Circulation

• Do you really get drunk faster at high altitudes?