
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to

Central Idea: You should (take this action) for these reasons


ATTENTION STEP: (get listeners attention with a story, joke, example, etc.)

Motivator: (relate to audience.  How will this benefit them?):





  1. This main point should establish a clear need in your audience’s life that your solution will satisfy; identify a problem with the current situation. Do not mention solution! (NEED STEP or Problem)
  2. Statistics, testimony, examples to support need or problem
  3. Additional examples, statistics, testimony to support need or problem


  1. The second main point should identify how your plan will satisfy the need established in main point one. (SATISFACTION STEP or Solution)
  2. Point out how solution meets each aspect of the need.
  3. Should include supporting materials (examples, statistics, testimony) to show why/how plan will work.


  • The third main point should give the audience a sense of what will happen if they do or do not implement your solution. (VISUALIZATION STEP or Benefits and Consequences of NOT taking this action)
  1. BENEFITS: Positive Motivational Appeals – Remind audience how wonderful it will be if they take this action.
  2. CONSEQUENCES: Negative Motivational Appeals – remind audience how awful it could be if they don’t implement your solution.


Signal ending with a signpost:

Summarize Main Points:

CALL to ACTION STEP: Give the audience clear steps on how to implement your solution.  Be specific!!