Response to Ehrenreich

Select and answer two questions (see below). While composing your answers, refer to specific examples/pages from the reading but respond with your own words (do not copy and paste large excerpts from the article!). Each response should be approximately 250 words in length (2 short paragraphs).


1. How does Nickle and Dimed challenge assumptions about American prosperity and poverty?

2. Ehrenreich’s “experiment” took place in 1998-2000; do you think her experience would be different today? Why?

3. Ehrenreich is a white, middle class, and native English speaker woman. Do you think her experience would have been drastically different had she been a person of color, a single parent, or an undocumented immigrant. How?

4. After reading this article, do you agree that having a job is better than having no job at all? Why?

5. Ehrenreich complains about “management.” Summarize the many problems that she had with managers and how this relates to being among America’s lowest paid.

6. In addition to not being paid enough, what other challenges do low-paid workers face? How do they affect their living situations (e.g. health, nutrition, ability to keep other jobs, etc.)?