Research paper

Research Proposal; Communication in the Workplace

Human interaction is essential in every sector of life, at home or working areas, since working or living together entails effective communication as a base for swiftness and flow of things around people. Organizational or workplace communication is vital regarding how complex things might be or appear on the ground. Communication flow must be twoway between employers and employees (Doyle, 2017) for a smooth flow of ideas, tactics, plans, objectives, goals, and safety.

Research Question; How is effective organizational or work area communication, especially from employers, enhance employees’ wellbeing, satisfaction, safety, and a feeling of belonging or confidence? Furthermore, what an employee needs to possess for competent and efficient communicative depiction or execution.

Literature Review
Previous studies have looked into the workplace or organizational communication criteria, mostly focusing on building a reliable strategy (Marques, 2010), enhancing and maneuvering the emerging trends (Newman et al., 2020), and the importance and setbacks associated with employers or organizations (Walden, 2021). The outcomes depicted how important effective workplace communication is to organizations, businesses, and corporations, regarding employees’ and employers’ communicative skills, competency, and observing the twoway rule (Doyle, 2017; Abdullah & Aziz, 2021).

The study will build a relationship between effective communication on work grounds and the employer’s side concerning employees’ general wellbeing and satisfaction. It will also
look into safety communication for employees’ safety at the workplace. The study will incorporate recent articles such as Doyle (2017), Marques (2010), Newman et al. (2020), and others, to build the link, and show how employees’ communicative competencies and skills also play a vital role in the issue. It will analyze evidence from reliable sources to make conclusions and recommend future studies or applications in reallife situation.