Dependent Samples t Test

Chapter Objectives
The reader will be able to:
Understand the use of Dependent Samples t Test as a test of the difference between two related samples
Interpret the results through the probability level that the null hypothesis is true

Exercise for Chapter 23
Factual Questions
1. How is the Dependent Samples t Test different from Independent Samples t Test in terms of samples?

2. What are the similarities in the assumptions behind both the Dependent and Independent Samples t Test?

3. What is Dependent Samples t Test with one sample also known as?

4. In a Dependent Samples t Test what is the df for a sample of 100 participants in a particular study?

5. The Dependent Samples t Test would have less sampling error in its design. Discuss the reasons.

6. Given the results below what would you conclude about the mean difference between Group A and Group B?
Group Number Cor. P Mean SD SE of of Pairs Mean
Group A 50 .087 .549 7.64 1.03 .145
Group B 4.82 1.32 .187
Paired difference
Mean SD SE of T Value df P
Difference Mean
2.82 1.60 .226 12.46 49 .000

Question for Discussion
7. Give an example of one continuous data and one categorical data with two categories that would require performing a Dependent Samples t Test.

1. When the normality of data is violated, the Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed Ranks Test is performed.