Mini Course: LMS Selection Assignment Instructions



 Educators must develop a learning environment that reflects how people learn in today’s world (Veletsianos, 2016). Student satisfaction and whether distance learning techniques can provide equivalent learning as face-to-face instruction are two main areas of concern when implementing distance learning (Moore & Diehl, 2018). It is important to understand distance education varies in effectiveness just as traditional face-to-face learning (Moore & Diehl, 2018). Creating an organized, cohesive online course is extremely important (Nilson & Goodson, 2018). When creating a mini course such as this one it is important to make sure all your course elements align (Nilson & Goodson, 2018). Nilson & Goodson (2018) state that if you can take any activity in your course (assignment, assessment, discussion, etc.…) and align it with your course objectives you improve learning as much as fourfold.



 For this assignment, you write a 2-4-page paper in APA format where you choose an audience, topic, course objectives, and appropriate LMS for the mini-course you will create. You will want to consider the key principles Nilson & Goodson (2018) discuss in Chapter 4 and refer to the Understanding by Design Framework resource provided in the Learn items of Module 2 as you establish your topic and objectives for your mini course. You need to use the ISTE Educator Designer Standards (5) as a guide while you create this course. Access the ISTE Standards for Educators link provided with this assignment.


The learner audience for your project will fall into one of the three categories:

  1. K-12 or Higher Ed. students. For this learning audience option, you will build your mini-course using content that already exists from a unit you have taught on a critical topic. The mini-course you create will be used as part of a blended/flipped classroom approach.
  2. Adult learners from your work setting. For this learning audience option, you are choosing a topic that you can use for training purposes at your current work setting.
  3. Adult learners in the general population. If neither of the above two scenarios fits your current setting, you may use a simulated audience.

Identify Topic and Course Objectives:

  • You will want to identify a topic for your mini course and provide 3-5 course objectives.
  • You will want to refer to the Understanding by Design Framework resource provided in the Learn items of Module 2 and Chapter 2 from Nilson & Goodson (2018) as you establish your topic and objectives for your mini course.


Selecting an Appropriate Learning Management System (LMS):

  • The LMS used may be school managed with guest access capability or it may be open source utilizing an LMS such as Edmodo, Google Classroom, Schoology, SeeSaw, Canvas, or Moodle Other LMS options are permitted as approved by your instructor.
  • You will need to provide a 1-2 paragraph rationale on why you believe this LMS is the optimal choice. You will need to cite at least two current (within 5 years), peer-reviewed, scholarly references to support your rationale.


You must use the Mini Course: LMS Selection Template when completing this assignment.

How to Provide the Course Instructor Access to Your LMS:

  • Google Classroom:If you have selected Google Classroom as your LMS, provide your instructor with the link and course code for your Google Classroom LMS. Unless you change the settings, the instructor will not able to access your school Google Classroom content because of privacy settings. Please check the settings so that your instructor can gain access.  Provide the link and course code in the table provided in the Mini Course: LMS Selection Template.
  • Moodle: Provide your instructor the link and login information, so they can access the content of your LMS. You will provide this information in the table provided in the Mini Course: LMS Selection Template.Please let your instructor know if you have any questions about this process.
  • Canvas: If you have selected Canvas as your LMS, view the How to Make a Canvas URL video provided in the resources of the Mini Course: LMS Selection assignment page. This video will instruct you on how to share your Canvas course with your instructor.  Only the link to your course will be accepted; the instructor will not use your login information to view the course.  On the Mini Course: LMS Selection Template, provide the link to your Canvas course. Please let your instructor know if you have any questions.
  • Schoology: If you have selected Schoology as your LMS, provide your instructor with the link and course code for your Schoology course. You will provide this information in the table provided in the Mini Course: LMS Selection Template.
  • SeeSaw: If you have selected SeeSaw as your LMS, provide your instructor with the link and course code for your SeeSaw course. You will provide this information in the table provided in the Mini Course: LMS Selection Template.
  • Edmodo: If you have selected Edmodo as your LMS, provide your instructor with the link and course code for your Edmodo course. You will provide this information in the table provided in the Mini Course: LMS Selection Template.