Feasibility Study

Prepare a feasibility study based on a scenario of your choice.


You have been asked by the CEO of your organization to propose a project or program to address a specific need, and to develop a feasibility study to determine if the proposed project or program should be undertaken. Your Role You are a department leader in the organization.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like: Assessment 3 Example [PDF].

Complete each section of the feasibility study as completely as possible, and support with relevant evidence.

The length of your feasibility study will depend largely on the project or program you are proposing to address the need of your organization. Be sure that each section is fully addressed.

Organize your document using this structure: 

Title page. (What is the title of your proposed program?) Executive summary. (Many executives require an executive summary for projects of this type. The summary is written last, but becomes the first section of the feasibility study and provides an overview of the goals and objectives, summarizes the key points supporting the need, summarizes the key points supporting your proposed program, and includes your conclusion and recommendations.) Feasibility study. References page. APA-formatted references. Written using language appropriate for an executive audience.