Week 2

Class: Conflict Engagement
Class Materials:
Fisher, R, Ury, W. & Patton, B (2011, 3rd ed) Getting to Yes: Negotiation Agreement Without Giving In. New York NY: Penguin Books. Intro xxvii-xxix & Sections IV pgs 149-194

Maiese, Michelle. “Dialogue.” Beyond Intractability. Eds. Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess. Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder. Posted: September 2003 <http://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/dialogue (Links to an external site.)>.

Patton, B (2005) Negotiation in R Bordone & M Moffitt (Eds) Handbook of Dispute Resolution, San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass. Chapter 18

John, L (2018) The Surprising Power of Questions. Harvard Business Review Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2018/05/the-surprising-power-of-questions (Links to an external site.)

Media :
Margaret Neale (2013) Negotiation: Getting What You Want Standford Graduate School of Business 24:27 Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXFpOWDAhvM&t=7s

In this essay, you should reflect upon the relationship between your conflict style and the negotiation concepts outlined by Bruce Patton.

Section One:
Patton describes the problem solving approach to negotiation. This form of negotiation is also referred to as “circle of value”, as integrative bargaining and as “principled bargaining” by Fisher & Ury (2011). Reflect upon this statement:

The Problem Solving form of negotiation is the style we should practice in all circumstances because it has so many benefits whereas distributive bargaining does not have much to recommend it.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

Section Two:
Patton discusses the seven elements of negotiation. Describe how your approach to conflict and negotiation relates to the seven elements.

Section Three:
What do you consider a “good outcome” to a negotiation?

Feel free to list any other insights or questions you have about an approach to negotiation.

The essay should be 12 points, double spaced. You may copy and paste the questions for each section into the essay. Rather than a specific word count, focus on concise and thorough answers to each of the prompts. Any sources should be properly cited.

Be sure to include your negotiation approach listed on paper.