Extra Credit Writing Assignment

I am offering the following as an extra credit assignment. This takes the form of an additional research paper that is focused on astrobiology.
Select a topic dealing with life on other worlds. As examples you could focus on a specific world like Mars, Europa, or Titan, or look at conditions around other stars. Prepare a 3 page written report.
It will be worth 50 points total. 10 for the introduction, 30 for the main body, and 10 for the conclusion. Points will be deducted for typographic errors (1 pt) and grammatical errors (2 pts).
• 3 full pages of content, not counting name, title, and references.
• Typed, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins (name & title may not take up content space)
• 12 point font
• Specific reference(s) utilized must be listed at the end of your paper. Plagiarism will result in a zero!
• Papers consisting of less than 3 pages of text will be deducted 5 points. This page count does not include the title information or the references. In addition if you don’t supply references that is a 10 point deduction. Let me know if you any questions!