Subject: Managing Conflict in a team

HR Subject Area

It could be more specific such as what are the key factors for managing conflict in a team?

For the research question are you proposing the collection of primary data. If so what method? (i.e. quantitative questionnaires or qualitative interviews)

– Introduction: 150 words (Approx)
– Research question and objectives 150 words (Approx.)
– Literature Review: 1000 words (Approx)
– Methodology 1050 words (Approx)
– Reflections 150 words (Approx)
– Total 2,500 words
– 20-25 reference
– Citation: Harvard Style

For your end of module assignment the brief is very clear regarding what is required in the methodology.

All sections are very important as detailed in the assignment brief, but I thought I would provide a reminder about the methodology section (although this should not be needed as this has already been addressed in the Q and A”s).
As you address each key sub-heading of the research methodology (as detailed in the assignment brief). Each key sub-heading requires that you:
– Show understanding of the subject of the key sub-heading.
– Provide a rationale for the selection of each method.
– Evaluate each of the methods selected for strengths and limitations.

You should also ensure that you do not omit any key sub-headings (this is very important) and provide the information required above.
As stated previously you do not collect or analyse any data as part of the proposal, but of course you do have to say how you intend to do this (along with all the other items required for the methodology)