
Q1:The Dred Scott Decision, the 14th Amendment, Plessy v Ferguson, and Brown vs The Board of Education (1 and 2) are all tied together. One could call them collectively examples of a step forward (progress) or a step backward (regression). Explain how th


Answer the two question below, I also posted the question in the title.

Q1:The Dred Scott Decision, the 14th Amendment, Plessy v Ferguson, and Brown vs The Board of Education (1 and 2) are all tied together. One could call them collectively examples of a step forward (progress) or a step backward (regression). Explain how the cases link and whether they were moving forward or backward, or a combination.


Q2:Historian Darlene Clarke Hine once said that African Americans found the Achille\’s Heel in Jim Crowism (paraphrased). If we think of Jim Crowism as systematic racism spread over the generations, was she right? Discussing at least 3 examples, support your answer thoroughly explaining why you responded the way you did. Warning: Understanding the concept of Achille’s Heel is central to this question. If you don’t know what it is do a little research or ask.