Research Method – Unit 4 Assignment

 Naturalistic Observation  

 This assignment entails differentiating between naturalistic observation and participant observation. You will get to briefly be a researcher and conduct your own naturalistic observation!

Assignment Directions

Using the Unit 4 Assignment Template, respond to the following:

Identify whether each scenario is a naturalistic observation or participant observation.

Plan for your naturalistic observations by:

  1. Preparing a research question.
  2. Identifying your research hypothesis.
  3. Describing the behaviors you will focus on.
  4. Then, conduct a 15-minute naturalistic observation and provide a summary of the data that you collected in the table on the template.
  5. Lastly, in at least 3–5 sentences, explore if the data seems to support or disconfirm your hypothesis and how. You do not need to run statistical analyses.


Unit 4 Assignment Template 

Choose any one of the topics or otherwise write on any observation topic you know


  1. Parenting of Preschool Children’s Media Use in the Home
  2. Examining forcefulness of children, and recording how frequently a modest student speaks up in class
  3. Observing or watching dogs play in the park
  4. Children playing at the playground
  5. Observing people at the Mcdonnel


Use any of the websites:

  3. ProQuest = psychology Database


 Unit 4 Assignment – Unit 4 Assignment Template  


Identify whether each scenario in the table below is a naturalistic observation or participant observation.

Question Term
If you want to collect data on people’s feelings, attitudes, or thoughts, the study would be a ____________________.  
If you want to collect data on behavior as it naturally occurs, a _____________________ would be ideal.  
If you want to collect data on people that you know and/or are interacting with, the study would be a ___________________.  
If you want to collect data on parents and their children at an amusement park, a ________________ would be ideal.  


What is your research question for your naturalistic observation?

What is your research hypothesis?

What behaviors will you focus on?


Based on your 15-minute naturalistic observation, provide a summary of the data that you collected in the table below.

Time Frame Behavior Data
First five minutes    
Second five minutes    
Third five minutes    

In at least 3–5 sentences, explore if the data seems to support or disconfirm your hypothesis and how. Note that you do not need to run statistical analyses.