Ch2 Lab – Solar Energy

Introduction: The Sun is perhaps the most important celestial body when it comes to the energy source we need on Earth through insolation. Examining daily insolation values, using a solar calculator and considering the Earth’s title will help you understand the importance of the Sun to life on Earth.

Objective: Upon successful completion, the student will compare daily isolation at various locations on the Earth, calculate sunrise and sunset on a location, and examine Earth’s tilt. (MO1, MO2, MO3)


Read the sections in the textbook Incoming Energy at the Top of the Atmosphere, Solar Constant, Uneven Distribution of Insolation, The Seasons, Seasonality, Reasons for Seasons, Tilt of Earth’s Axis, Axial Parallelism, and Sphericity, pages 43 -48
Complete and record and/or answer the following Work It Out activities from the textbook. Write out your answers in a word processing program and submit as an attachment. Each Work It Out activity is worth 5 Points.
Work It Out 2.1 – Daily Insolation Comparisons. In addition, you are also required to answer the following questions:
Why is solar energy important?
How is our atmosphere protective to life on Earth?
Work It Out 2.2 – Using a Solar Calculator
Work it Out 2.3 – Consider Earth’s Axial Title