Elder abuse research question

Research Question and Paragraph

 Turn in a preliminary research question accompanied by a paragraph explaining why you think that question is interesting and important to answer. Include citations to at least two peer-reviewed scholarly sources that you would anticipate using to inform a research proposal around that question. Use APA or ASA format to cite those sources in the text and to list references at the end of the document.

This checklist is designed to help you review and edit your work before submission. The checklist should be copied and pasted at the bottom of each assignment before you submit it on Blackboard. If the checklist is missing, the grade for that assignment will be reduced by 10 percentage points. If more than three items are filled out incorrectly, the grade for the assignment will also be reduced by 10 percentage points.

Directions: Mark a Y next to each line to indicate “yes” and an “N” to indicate “no.” Where needed, write in an answer in the space provided.


Big Picture:

What is the research question?

Does the paragraph clearly explain why the research question is important?



Are there at least two citations to peer-reviewed scholarship?

Are all in-text citations in proper ASA or APA format? (For instance: check to be sure that periods all appear after parenthetical citations and that all citations include both author name[s] and year.)

Is there a full reference in the bibliography/reference section for every cited source?

Is every item on the list of references written in ASA or APA format?



Does the document have the author’s name and the date on the front page?

Does the document have 1 inch margins on all sides?

Is the document double-spaced?

Is the document written in Times New Roman size 12 font?


Writing and Grammar:

 Are all sentences complete? (For instance: check for sentence splices and sentence fragments.)

Are all sentences easy to understand? (For instance: check for run-on sentences, awkward wording, and grammatical mistakes.)

Is all punctuation correct?

Is the document free of typos?