Discussion post for socail work students: Theortical Perspectives


Theoretical perspectives for direct social work practice: A generalist-eclectic approach (4th edition).

Chapter 1: An overview of and rationale for a generalist-eclectic approach to direct social work practice


Submit 4 well thought out questions PER CHAPTER and YOUR OWN ANSWERS.

Students are expected to read all required material prior to class time each week, and to prepare two well thought out questions and write their answers to their questions for each assigned chapter or reading.

Questions and your answers must be submitted on Canvas by midnight the day before class each week.  ex: For a Monday class, questions are due by midnight on Sunday.  For a Tuesday class questions are due by midnight on Monday, etc.

I will grade your QUESTIONS only, not your answers.  Asking thoughtful questions is a key skill in social work practice. See the rubric for grading criteria.

Questions will be graded on correct format and the thoughtfulness of the questions.


  • Questions must be OPEN ENDED- Open questions invite the speaker to elaborate.  Closed questions can be answered completely in a few words.
  • Questions must be well thought out based on chapter concepts and ideas.
  • Questions cannot be ‘trivia’ questions or questions one might find on a quiz or test.
  • Questions cannot be scenario based
  • Imagine you and a classmate have both just read the assigned chapter and you’re discussing what you read. 

Write a 3-4 sentence about each question (4)that you create.

What was interesting about this chapter and why?  What didn’t make sense and why?  What did you think was important and why?

Write 4 excellent opened ended question pertaining to the chapter

Write (create)4 thoughtful questions with answers along with answering the questions above that are highlighted in the discussion.

Only write a pages nothing longer! My semester is just starting and I have 19 more chapter to go and I’ll need some help. I have attached a few pages from my textbook. Select anything to write about as long as the questions are thought-out.


Ex. In the First chapter of Theoretical Perspectives for Direct Social Work Practice, the primary focus of the text is the method of practice referred to as eclecticism. As the authors attempt to defend this practice they demonstrate the historical resistance to this approach. What I found most interesting is how the authors suggested “a grid-match within the social work profession where the strength-based practice is pitted against a problem-focused approach.” (Mc Millen, 2004) Would you agree or disagree with Mc Millen in his opinion that there is a divide in the Social Work community pitting strength-based practice against problem-focused approaches? Elaborate on why or why not.