Literacy History

You are asked to write a 500 word autobiography that describes and discusses the ways literacy was evident and practiced in your home, community, workplace, etc. as it relates to your background.

Think about the important literacy events in your life that influenced you personally. Include the literacy materials and practices in the home and your community (including but not limited to school) as well as people and places that were significant to these events.

Use your first blog paragraph to introduce yourself. Add a photo. Share your major, year in school, interests, why you took this class, etc. Think about your earliest experience of becoming literate. This can even include things like holding a book correctly or scanning text left to right, etc. Who helped you? Who inspired you? Who supported you? How? Were you encouraged or discouraged? What are your earliest experiences with literacy? Which of these experiences significantly impacted my development? What occurred inside/outside the school setting? As you continue planning think about your earliest experiences as a learner. When did you begin to feel literate? What kind of writing, reading, speaking, listening, viewing activities did you tend to enjoy? What frustrated you? Who was a role model? Think about how you feel as a literate person today. How do you feel about literacy? Why? In what ways do you continue to use literacy in your personal life? What or who continuchoes to sponsor/inspire your literacy development?