Jazz Concert Essay

Write essay exactly as written below. Write an essay about watching an online concert. I decided which concert to see. I attached the URL, so please watch the concert from there. (Jump to YouTube page) I also wrote the title of the concert video. If you can’t use the URL, search the title on YouTube. I think it will show up at the top. I’ve also attached the images of the videos in case you don’t know which one to play. Please ask me immediately if you don’t understand.


Attend and listen/observe a live (or virtual) JAZZ concert (virtual options provided below). Write a 1-page essay (double-spaced, 12-pt. font) and submit as a word .doc, Google Doc, or PDF through Canvas by the due date.
* The written portion should be your personal reaction to the concert and the music. Things to include might be:
* description of style(s) performed
* instrument(s) and/or names (if possible) of the musicians performing
* atmosphere/setting of the performance, venue, audience
* your personal reaction to the performance (not necessarily a simple “like” or “dislike” but some depth and description of the performance.
* In Lieu of attending a live jazz concert (DISTANCE LEARNING or FULLY ONLINE COURSE), students have the option to ‘attend’ ONE OF the concerts listed below;
* describe all segments & musical selections of the video you choose.


Jazz Futures – Newport Jazz Festival (JVC Jazz Festival)