Ethics of Data Collection in Adult Healthcare

When reading Provision 5 of the ANA Code of Ethics, do you believe that this standard is difficult to uphold? In what ways, other than the pursuit of your BSN degree, do you strive to maintain this standard?

What are common obstacles you have faced in upholding this standard? Does the Code of Ethics have any bearing on why you chose your Concept paper topic? discuss the biggest challenge you are facing with your Concept paper.

Note: Canvas automatically assigns peer reviews. Concept Paper Rubric: Criteria Criteria Met Criteria Partially Met Criteria Minimally Met or Not Met Significance: Identifies concept under study. Describes why the concept is important to nursing according to nursing literature and personal opinion. (11-15 points) The concept is discussed in an organized, clear way with support from nursing literature. (6-10 points) Concept identified but the discussion is disorganized without well-constructed ideas. (0-5 points) Concept unclear and not supported by the literature.

Incorporation into practice: Explain how the concept is incorporated into your nursing practice. (11-15 points) Incorporation clearly discussed using examples from one’s own practice. A logical flow of ideas. (6-10 points) Discussion incorporates the concept into practice, but examples are not used or fully illustrate the concept. (0-5 points) No details and/or examples are given. Unclear how the concept applies to practice.

Building knowledge: Explore how you will continue to gain knowledge of the concept as you progress in your nursing education and practice. Includes a detailed and measurable plan for how learning will occur. (11-15 points) Discussed the plan for learning about the concept in a thorough and realistic way. The plan is achievable and relevant. (6-10 points) Explanation unclear and without a clearly identified plan for learning. (0-5 points) Explanation unclear and without a learning plan.

Outside resources: Describe at least two outside sources of quality information that could help you to advance your knowledge of your topic. This could include professional journals or professional organizations.

Subject Nursing