Task 1: Summary of three themes from the best available evidence around the clinical problem (600 words total)

Locate at least one relevant clinical practice guideline, two reputable websites and a selection of credible journal articles. Summarise three themes from the current evidence and recommendations for this situation. Relate these findings to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.

Add brief notes using bullet points to each of the blank boxes. Make sure you add the author and date of publication to each summary e.g. (NMBA, 2020).

Identify three themes within the best available evidence about the clinical problem

Note. Each theme will for a 200-word paragraph. Find your evidence f rom at least one relevant clinical practice guideline, two reputable websites and a selection of credible journal articles related to the clinical problem.

Note. To plan each paragraph by providing a bullet pointed list of the key evidence that relates to each theme. Relate these f inding to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (2nd ed.).

Note. Do not just paraphrase the relevant standard. Identify how the standard links with the guidelines or relevant research.

Theme 1: 200 words

e.g. nebulised medication Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Which Standard?

How does it relate to finding?

See week 4 and the ALC Moodle site for assisting with referencing.

Theme 2: 200 words Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Theme 3: 200 words Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Task 2: Provide evidence-based recommendations for the ward/department (400 words)

Provide three to four clear evidence-based recommendations able to be incorporate into the ward’s policies and into

clinical nursing practice. Justify your recommendations. Be sure to include in-text citations for your recommendations.

Add notes to columns 1 and 2 to help structure your paragraph.

Provide 3-4 clear evidence-based recommendations for the ward/ department Justify your recommendations with evidence f rom best practice guidelines and evidence-based nursing practice. Use information researched from paragraph 1 to assist you. There might be more than one piece of evidence for each recommendation.

Include a citation for each piece of evidence.

Para 1. 100 words Add recommendation. e.g., Use of . . . Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Para 2. 100 words Add Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Para 3. 100 words Add Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Para 4. 100 words Add

Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Task 3 Reflection (200 words)

Finally, write a reflection paragraph on the purpose of evidence-based nursing practice and how this can assist you in your clinical nursing decision making.Ensure that you have clear sentences in your reflection that show your views on evidence-based nursing practice and how you can use evidence to make clinical nursing decisions. Your reflection must be written in the first person