BIO340 Activity #4: 3Point Cross, Gene Order and Mapping

I. Determining singlecrossovers (SCOs), doublecrossovers (DCOs) and gene order.

(Initially, you do not know what the order of the genes is on the chromosome. Your DCOs will be compared to your parental types to determine which gene is in the middle.)
We want to map the distance between genes for: leaf color (A green, dominant; a yellow, recessive), leaf texture (B rough, dominant; b smooth, recessive), and plant fertility (F normal, dominant; f variable, recessive).

Your mapping cross is like a test cross. One parent (mapping individual) is heterozygous for all genes (so crossover events can be assessed) while the other parent (cryptic or tester) is
homozygous recessive for all genes (so crossover events will be cryptic, i.e. undetectable).

Gene order is not yet determined.

Below, (in the order in which the genes are presented above) write the genotypes of the mapping cross individual (i.e. the heterozygote) and the cryptic individual: _ X ___ (mapping) (cryptic)

Table 1: Progeny from Mapping Cross
Phenotype Frequency Phenotype Frequency
1. Green, rough, normal 95 5. Green, smooth, normal 900
2. Yellow, rough, normal 50 6. Yellow, smooth, normal 5
3. Green, rough, variable 5 7. Green, smooth, variable 50
4. Yellow, rough, variable 900 8. Yellow, smooth, variable 95

Based on these results, are the genes linked or not?
How would the phenotypic frequencies look if the genes were not linked?
Which two numbered phenotypes in Table 1, represent offspring of the parental types?
Using slash notation, the parental type offspring have genotypes: __ and ___.
The actual chromosomal configuration of the mapping individual in the cross must have been___ /__.

Which two numbered phenotypes in Table 1, represent offspring from DCOs?

Using slash notation, the DCO offspring have genotypes: __ and __.
Comparing the mapping individual’s chromosome configuration with the chromosome configuration of the DCOs, you can tell which gene is in the center of the other two based upon which gene “switched sides” from parental type chromosomes to DCO type chromosomes? Which gene is in the middle?  The gene order then is:

II. Map Distance
To figure out the distances, we must identify SCOs between the gene in the middle and each of the other two genes.
Looking at the chromosomes inherited by each progeny type above in Table 1, identify the
numbered offspring types that result from a singlecrossover between the gene on the far left (as you drew them above) and the middle gene:
The map distance between these genes = ([(the number of SCOs between these genes) + (the number of DCOs)] / (Total number of offspring) X 100.
Calculate the map distance between the gene on the far left and the middle gene:
Complete the figure illustrating the products of a doublecrossover (in meiosis)
Mapping Individual DoubleCrossover DCO Products

Looking at the chromosomes inherited by each progeny type above in Table 1, identify the numbered offspring types that result from a singlecrossover between the middle gene and the gene on the far right (as you drew them above):

Again, the map distance between these genes = ([(the number of SCOs between these genes) + (the number of DCOs)] / (Total number of offspring) X 100.
Calculate the map distance between the middle gene and the gene on the far right: