Ethnographic Project – Social Movement

Each student will choose a topic related to our class to research within a community or cultural space. Topics may include but are not limited to: feminism and clothing, fashion, or hair; media and gender: how is masculinity and femininity constructed in a series, film or advertising and how do people perceive this construction; family perceptions of gender roles; gender construction within a neighborhood; how feminism is defined with your community or social group; how food is gendered within your household; gender roles within your household or community; feminist spaces of oppression and empowerment, activist spaces, the LGBTQAIP movement, topics related to sexuality, intersectionality and how it works within your family or community, and many other topics.

(1) Introduction: A broad overview of your project

(2) Literature Review: 2 academic sources, a short summary of each, and a short explanation of how your project will further or differ from the research

(3) A clear, specific thesis statement

(4) Research Methods:

What research methods will you use to answer your research questions? (survey, interviews, observation, participant observation, pure research, media analysis) (5) Research and Analysis

(5) Conclusion:

  • What did you learn from the ethnographic project?
  • What would you change about your research if you had the chance?
  • If you were to research this further, what would you study?

The paper should be between 6 (minimum) and 8 pages (maximum).

The paper format should be 12-point New Times Roman; 1-inch margins, double-spaced.