Instructional Planning Assignment


During this course, you will complete 2 Journal Critiques. For each critique, you will summarize, critique, and personally apply a research article from a professional journal.

It is appropriate for you to utilize research journals in your particular field where possible. All articles must be current and published no more than 5 years ago.

Each critique must have and introduction and conclusion paragraph along with 3 main paragraphs:

  1.  a summary paragraph;
  2.  an analysis of author’s key points; and
  3.  a personal application that includes a clear concluding sentence.

Each paragraph must be 5 sentences and each critique must be only 5 paragraphs. All papers must use the Journal Critique Assignment Template and follow current APA style.

Articles selected must relate to the topics given in the chart .

After reading your text for this module, select a research article on instructional planning and strategies that impact instructional planning in your current field.