Mock Interview and Career Preparation

Assessment Description
The purpose of this assignment is to help prepare you for a career in accounting.

First, begin by selecting one of the two career preparation activities listed below. Your selected event must take place during the current semester.

1. Conduct an interview with someone in the accounting or finance profession who works in an area in which you are interested. For example, if you are interested in auditing, interview an auditor. If you want to work for a nonprofit, interview a nonprofit accountant or CFO. Learn about their career, such as why they decided to work in that area, what they like and dislike about their work, what certifications they have and why, etc. Use the interview as an opportunity to learn more about the field you are studying in and wish to work in after graduation.

2. Conduct a mock interview with the Career Impact Center or an accounting professional who is able to critique your interview skills. Provide the date of the mock interview, the interviewer, and the questions asked. Summarize your experience from the mock interview, including how this experience will help you prepare for a career in accounting and help you obtain a position.
Then write a paper of 750 to 1,000 words that includes an explanation of your chosen career preparation activity, provides a summary of the interview questions used and applicable responses, and an explanation of the career preparation activity as it relates to your career path.

At least two external sources should be cited for either option.
(Papers must be submitted by the due date provided in your classroom. Name the file LastnameFirstinitial.ACC460.CP, where the CP refers to Career Prep).

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.