Reflection Paper (final research paper)

Consider the ethical theories we’ve discussed in class across the semester. Choose one that you believe is a representative model for yourself. It can be a blend of a few theories (be specific) or one that fully embodies how you would like to frame your own ethical decisions.

Consider the following within your paper:
• Name of the theory(s)
• Early adopters/shapers of the theory
• Principles or rules associated with that theory
• Modern updates to that theory
• The challenges of it
• Why you chose it, how you will apply it to your own life and how will you overcome the challenges associated with it.

• Utilitarianism
• Deontological Ethics
• Virtue-Based Ethics
• Egoism
• Relativism
• Absolutism, etc

You are welcomed to write about an ethical theory specifically pertaining to either your personal or professional decisions. An example of this could be choosing virtue-based ethics for your personal life but utilitarianism for your professional career. If you would like to write about a theory pertaining to a specific area in your life – that is acceptable but make it clear in your paper.