Pepperdine University (Faith)

Pepperdine is a Christian university where all are welcomed and encouraged to challenge each other in the pursuit of truth. Students, faculty, and staff members from all backgrounds participate in conversations of faith inside and outside of the classroom. Considering that Pepperdine is a Christian university, why are you interested in attending and how would you contribute to conversations of faith on campus?

The resource to use the following:
Mission Statement (
Vision for Spiritual Life (

Incorporate these to the question above and use own words, be creative, thoughtful, engage the readers, be unique, present your position and passion.

Include as why are you interesting in attending the university question would be ”The the last 4 years of high school I am attending coed; college prep Catholic high school and religion was must as elective. This course always has engaged me as student and made me stronger person due to my love of faith and being part of the Campus Ministry Club and taking part of many school religious retreats to embrace God and religion. This makes me complete young man to do better in life, school, extra cirricular activities and also compassionate for others and be unique fit to Pepperdine University. My faith has impacted me and cultivated the diverse culture by travelling throughout different part of the countries during Covid like United Kingdom, Prague and Vienna as part of my Model United Nation conference and want Religion to be vast part of my life not during my years at Pepperdine but even post graduation. Without God’s divine love for me, I would not have come this far even during the most difficult times during the global pandemic.

Reword and incorporate into the body of application essay.