Mission Command

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of Mission Command.

Background Information
The following observation resulted from warfighting exercises conducted by the Mission Command Training Program: Noncommissioned officers (NCOs) do not have a clear description of their roles and responsibilities.
Often, NCOs are empowered with the appropriate authority, but they do not have a clear role besides what they are working on at that time. For example, when Battle NCOs have a clear job, they become a single point of failure, as the unit does not have a replacement for those NCOs.

Discussion Question
Define Mission Command (MC) in your own words and explain, through the principles of MC and the Leadership Requirements Model, how to prevent becoming a single point of failure. Elaborate by identifying the single most important principle (to you) for the success of MC. Provide an example of how you have employed the principle you selected.

Resource Requirements
Mission Command Lesson

Article: Mission Command: A Senior Enlisted Leader’s Perspective


1. You must submit an initial response to the discussion question. Your initial response must:
-be a minimum of 250 words (We are looking for body content. Your
listed reference at the bottom of your post will not count toward this word requirement).
-state your Rank and Name in the subject line (ex. SSG Jones, Avery)

-include an APA formatted, scholarly reference and in-text citation to
support your post (use a reference other that the Mission Command lesson).

2. After you have posted an initial response, reply to two of your peers (you must reply to their initial response).

Each reply must:
-be a minimum of 200 words (salutations and references are not included
in your word count).
-open each post with the Rank/Name of the student you are addressing
and close each reply with your Rank/Name.
-your first three posts (initial response and two replies) will be graded.