Questions and Answers

10 points

  1. Provide an operational definition for each of the following:



Aggressive behavior in monkeys



10 points

  1. A correlational study has found a .25 correlation between regular use of a topical cream and wrinkle repair in a sample of 70 year old women. Explain what this means and whether you would purchase this cream if you were a 70 year old woman.  Be specific about why or why not.

15 points

  1. For each of the following, name the dependent variable and the independent variable.  Give one possible extraneous variable for each example.

A biopsychologist injects several monkeys with male hormones and notes that by comparison to control animals, they display more aggressive acts in a testing situation.

After being deprived of food for varying amounts of time, participants show a progress decline in hand dexterity and steadiness.

An educational psychologist finds no differences in the math achievement scores of elementary school students who have, or have not, been assigned to a special math achievement program.

A social psychologist observes that subjects tested in crowded rooms have slower reaction times than those tested individually.

Sleep deprived individuals have poorer memories than those who are not sleep deprived.

15 points

  1. Describe a naturalistic observation including your target population and sample. Include in your description an explanation of how you will address potential sources of error.  15 points
  2. Fully describe a correlational study including your target population and sample. Include in your description the actual correlation number and an interpretation of that number. Include in your description how you will address potential sources of error. 35 points
  3. Fully describe an experimental study including your target population and sample. Include in your description how you will address potential sources of error.