BIO 205 Prokaryote Diagram

The purpose of this assignment is to get you used to taking the detailed information that you learn in the lecture and compiling it to see the big picture. Throughout the semester, you should get used to drawing diagrams in your notes to help you break down and understand concepts.

After completing this assignment, you should be able to describe how the external layers of bacteria differ if they are Gram-negative or Gram-positive or if the bacterium lives in different environments. You are only responsible for drawing one organism, but make sure you can explain how the other organisms would be different.


First letter of last name Type of organism
A-G Gram (+) bacterium living in a suitable environment
H-L Gram (+) bacterium living in a hostile environment
M-S Gram (-) bacterium living in a suitable environment
T-Z Gram (-) bacterium living in a hostile environment


In the table above, I have assigned a type of prokaryote to each person, depending on your last name.  Hand-draw a diagram of the organism that you have been assigned. Include the internal and external features that are listed below, as long as the feature applies to your assigned organism.

Clearly label each structure that you draw and provide a brief description of the macromolecules that it is made of (i.e. phospholipid bilayer and proteins, lipopolysaccharides, etc.). You may choose to include color in your diagram, but every structure that you draw must be labeled.


External layers (not in order)

  • Outer membrane
  • Cytoplasmic membrane
  • Glycocalyx
  • Cell wall
  • S layer

Internal structures

  • Chromosome
  • Plasmid
  • Inclusion bodies
  • Ribosomes
  • Cytoplasm
  • Cytoskeleton


Submission instructions:

  1. Take a picture of your diagram (a cell phone image is fine).
  2. Paste the picture into a new Word document
  3. Type your full name and the organism you were assigned at the top of the document
  4. Save the document as a PDF. (File à save as à select PDF as the “save as type”)
  5. Submit your PDF to the Blackboard assignment

Note: since you will be submitting this electronically, you may type the descriptions of each structure in the word document, if there is not enough room to put it of your diagram. If you do this, your hand-drawn diagram still needs to have labels naming every structure that you draw.