Research Paper

In phase one, you will develop a meaningful problem, identify two relevant disciplines involved in answering it, and justify an integrative approach to managing this problem.

To do this you will have to draw upon your previous coursework and your original BIS rationale or individual major along with our course readings.

Ideally, you will consider the issues that are pertinent to the field experience project you have selected.

For example, if you choose a field placement that serves battered women, there are a multitude of issues that can be identified within this experience (i.e. domestic violence, power/dominance in relationships, substance abuse).

In this phase, you must include a preliminary reference section of three academic sources that contribute to your thinking about the issue or problem.

These three sources will include one source from each of the disciplines you identified and one source from the course text. This paper should be a minimum of3 pages double-spaced (12 point font with one inch margins).