PSY-604 – Module 2 Assignment: Using SPSS to Analyze Correlations and T-Tests

Use the following SPSS software:

Link to Data Analysis Sets:

Part 1: Use the “Alcohol and reaction time” data analysis set:

Run the appropriate correlation analysis for each of the following:
– Average units of alcohol with reaction time.
– Mood with reaction time.
– Mood with reaction time, controlling for average units of alcohol.
– Mood with gender.

Then, copy and paste the results into your assignment.  Then . . .
– Develop an alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis for each of the scenarios.
– Identify the variables and their attributes.
– Discuss the results you received whether you reject or fail to reject the null hypotheses and why.


Part 2: Use the “Computer Games” data analyses set:

– Check for normal distribution across hours played on computer games.
– Conduct an independent t-test.

Then copy and paste the results into your assignment.  Then
– Explain the importance of knowing whether or not the data has a normal distribution.
– Develop an alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis for the scenario.
– Identify the variables and their attributes.
– Discuss the results you received whether you reject or fail to reject the null hypotheses and why.


Part 3: Use the “Satisfaction with treatment” data analyses:

– Check for normal distribution at both time points.
– Conduct a related t-test.

Then copy and paste the results into your assignment.  Then
– Explain what the effect size is and why it is important.
– Develop an alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis for the scenario.
– Identify the variables and their attributes.
– Discuss the results you received whether you reject or fail to reject the null hypotheses and why.