A cure for Alzheimer’s

Paper Requirements:

Word count– 500 words -550 maximum (does not include cover or reference pages)
Introduction- previews key topics discussed in paper, defined thesis statement, tell why the topic is important to the reader.
Conclusion– summarizes the entire paper and provides closure. No new information should be introduced.
Sources: Minimum of three (3) Scholarly or Peer-reviewed articles. Wikipedia is not an option nor is an encyclopedia or ehow!
NO direct quotes– rephrase all research into your own words.
NO PLAGIARISM (copying another person’s work and re-writing it as your own)
Access the ANU Library to the Writing Center for APA assistance
APA Formatting – Visit CitationMachine.net and the ANU Library for assistance.

Margins– 1 inch – double spaced – 12 pt Times New Roman OR Ariel font
Paragraphs– each paragraph has a minimum of 5 sentences
Text- Entire document is written in past tense
Indented– first word of each new paragraph is indented 5 spaces
In Text citations are used to identify information sources Visit CitationMachine.net for help and the ANU Library.
No Contractions – Do not use contractions
No Personal pronouns– DO NOT use: my, me, we, I, our, you, your, etc.
Grammar– proper grammar, spelling and punctuation is used

Reference Page:

Every sources cited in the paper is referenced and every reference on the reference page has been cited at least once in the body.
The title References appears centered on the page, sources are listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name
Use a hanging indent. The first line is not indented but subsequent lines are indented 5 spaces and single spaced

This assignment submission is my own, original work


1.Symptoms of the disorder and its affects.
2.What causes this disorder?
3.What type of treatments are available?