Pick two items from the following list and do them. Be sure to complete all parts of whichever items you choose and be sure to provide appropriate links so other students can access the videos, articles, etc about which you are posting. Respond to at least 3 posts made by others. At least two of your responses should be to students who chose different items than you did. Please note that you may not post something that has already been posted by another student, such as a video, article, etc. For a post or response to count it must be a minimum of 125 words.

The main post is DUE on Thursday at midnight, and your responses to other students are DUE Sunday at midnight. The discussion is worth 40 points.
Note: Find additional Technology Support for creating presentations, videos, podcasts, etc. under the Course Information tab.

1. Find, or create and post a video that discusses the concept of brain growth in infants and/or toddlers. Discuss at least 2 things you learned from the video, or from creating it, and at least 2 ways the information from the video may be of assistance to parents of infants and toddlers.

2. Find and post an academic/research article about the effects of shaken baby syndrome. Discuss at least 2 things you learned from the article and describe in detail at least 2 things you think society could do to decrease the incidence of this problem.

3. Discuss the following: What are the pros and cons of early immunization? List at least 3-4 pros and/or cons that are based on scientific research, not on opinion. Use scientific/academic references that back up your selection of pros/cons. Discuss why you think this issue has become controversial in recent years. Describe, in detail, two things society could do to increase vaccination rates in the US.

4. Create a Power Point, Prezi or photo essay that describes and discusses the three types of circular reactions. You should have at least 4-5 slides/pictures with captions and a slide with references.

5. Find, or create, and post a video that demonstrates the Universal Sequence of Language development. Discuss at least 2 things you learned from the video and describe in detail at least 2 ways parents and/or teachers may be able to use this information when working with children.

6. Find, or create, a podcast/audio file that discusses theories of language development. Describe and discuss at least 2 things you learned from the podcast/audio file, or from creating it, and describe in detail either a theory with which you agree or disagree. Provide at least 2 reasons for why you agree or disagree with it.

7. Find and post an academic/research article or a video that discusses attachment styles. Discuss at least 2 things you learned from the article or video and describe in detail at least 2 ways therapists/counselors and/or teachers may be able to use this information when working with children.

8. Discuss the following: What are the pros/cons of infant day care in the United States? How does infant day care in the US compare to that in other countries (compare to at least one other country in detail)? Provide at least 3-4 pros and/or cons and use references to support them and for your comparison. Describe in detail 2 things that could be done to ensure good quality infant day care is available in the US.
