Healthcare administration professional

For this assignment you will write this as a current or prospect healthcare administration professional. You may find it helpful to locate a healthcare administration position or if you currently work in the field you may use your current position as the foundation for this assignment.

Imagine you have just begun working as a Healthcare Administrator in a healthcare facility. Based upon what you learned in the previous 4 modules, write an essay that address the following:
Identify the facility and its’ role in delivery healthcare services.

Discuss your role and responsibility as the Administrator, including the staff you supervise, the administrative structure, union and non-union staff and volunteers.

Make sure to identify their roles and responsibilities as well as your role in relationship to the position.

Discuss how the various stakeholders contribute to your department, including patients/consumers of healthcare.

Discuss any ethical, legal and healthcare policies that your department must adhere to, including having consumers as stakeholders.

Consider including specific examples as support, additional some states have specific regulations and important to note. If your position or desired position is  in state with such parameters feel free to expand on this.

Discuss what steps you would take as the administrator to address HIPAA privacy, security and breach notification rules, including any disciplinary actions. After your conclusion, write two-three sentences about your personal thoughts regarding what you learned by completing this case assignment.