Harmonize Discussion #3 “Response to Reading in Unit 8 “Multitasking or mass ADD?”

For your first post, respond to the reading selection below. The paragraphs are numbered:

Title: Multitasking or Mass ADD? Written by Ellen Goodman

After you have found and read the reading selection above respond to ONLY ONE of 1, 2, or 3 below in your first discussion post: (DO NOT REPEAT THE QUESTION IN YOUR POST; ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTION)

1) Do you multitask? What tasks do you often perform simultaneously? After reading this article, do you still believe that you are good at shifting your attention among several things at once?

2) What, according to the author, are some negative effects of multitasking? Would you add any other drawbacks to her list? Are we really “breeding a generation of kids whose ability to pay attention may be destroyed” (paragraph 5)? If so, what effects would that have on their lives?

3) The researcher, Clifford Nass, says that “undivided attention” (paragraph 7) is the greatest gift that we can give others. Do you agree? Give a specific example to support your opinion.