Quality of Healthcare Assignment

The purposes of this assignment are to: (a) propose evidence based interventions using a new nursing care delivery model that will reduce costs and improve the quality and safety of healthcare in the organization (CO1, CO3 & CO4), and (b) engage in scholarly inquiry and communication (CO5)

Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to do the following.
(CO1) Evaluate and develop organizational strategic plans (SP) in relation to patient safety, economic and quality outcomes of healthcare organizations and systems. (PO1)

(CO3) Appraise the effects of strategies to reduce costs and improve the quality and safety of healthcare. (PO1 & PO4)

(CO4) Organize legal and regulatory components of healthcare strategies to promote safety and quality care. (PO1 & PO4)

(CO5) Synthesize and communicate research findings to promote quality improvement and safety in healthcare. (PO1 & PO4)

Assignment Situation:
You are the nurse executive of Ocracoke Regional Healthcare System. Due to increasing healthcare costs over the past two years, the board and stakeholders have determined the total-patient-care nursing model is no longer sustainable and must be changed. In addition, Joint Commission has just completed their visit. Ocracoke received two recommendations for improvement in two of most current National Patient Safety Goals found at the link below.

National Patient Safety Goals-The Joint Commission https://www.jointcommission.org/standards/national-patient-safety-goals/
You must address these recommendations using a new nursing care delivery model. Senior leadership expects to see increased cost savings through the use of this new model and improved outcomes related to two patient safety goals (you may choose any two patient safety goals you want to improve on by the time of the Joint Commission’s revisit in six(6) months.