Cells, More Cells, and the Flow of Energy Podcast Script

In a 1000-1500 word document, provide a three-segment podcast script. In this assignment, you will explain the basic components and energy flow of a cell in a written podcast script containing three segments.

The podcast script requirements are listed here: Podcast Segment 1 Title: A Cell Divided

Explain the purposes of cell division.

Describe how mitosis is different from binary fission. Define nondisjunction and use the subject of nondisjunction to explore aberrations in cellular division and chromosome numbers. This can be done in terms of mitosis, meiosis, or both. Explain autosomal nondisjunction in relation to Down syndrome.

Use statistics and patient profiles to help engage your audience. Podcast Segment 2 Title: A Tale of Two Cities Choose five components of eukaryotic cells and compare them to a part of a city.

For example, the nucleus can be the City Hall, and the chloroplast could be a solar power farm. Be sure to point out how prokaryotic cells are different from eukaryotic cells, as if you were comparing two cities.

Podcast Segment 3 Title: How Energy Flows Through Us Familiarize the audience with energy conversions in a cell by relating it to a force that flows through us.

Explain how food is broken down into progressively smaller molecules with less chemical energy and how that process releases energy.

Discuss how active transport by the sodium-potassium pump uses energy from ATP to get a nerve cell ready to fire. (Research this topic using a library and/or the Internet.)