Ethical Issues in International Business

Journal Article Critique, COVID-19 the Global Shutdown. See attached. The assignment is outlined below.

Once you read the article, you should have some idea how other nations around the world have been impacted by the ethical issue COVID 19. I want your perspective based on what is presented based on you individual interests in other facets of business. As a result of the covid impact ethical issues continue to be challenges for international business and industry.
Every industry, sector, and governments alike, all grapple with ethical dilemmas in business situations every day. Find outside sources to support your argument (this demonstrates critical thinking) based on individual interests. In your reflection I would like for you to give thoughts about a specific foreign country (if present in article). This will help you see some of the forces that shapes globalization within business and industry.
• If you were the manager in the business case you found through additional research, do you agree or disagree with how they handled the situation?
• Ethical theories and principles could be applied based on ideological and philosophical differences (i.e. political affiliations) between cultures etc…. Feel free to use outside resources to help strengthen your argument.
• What industry are you interested in and how is it connected to the article?
• What has changed since then?

Student review should include the following:
1. Identification of ethical issues presented and define the ethical issue you have selected and its relevance to an industry;
2. Data collection methods and analysis
3. Explain the differential impacts on various stakeholders and provide an explanation of how the issue has developed or changed over time;
4. Generate alternatives to address the ethical issues and recommend and defend their approach to the situation;
5. Give examples of cases involving this ethical issue and back up your opinion/solution with ethical concepts you’ve learned in the course;
6. Provide an explanation of at least one additional perspective on the issue.