
Course Description
In this course students are introduced to the theory of nursing. A focus of this course is assessment of physical and psychological adaption to health and illness across the adult life span. Students will participate in servicelearning activities to promote health and prevent illness. This also includes the ethical and legal aspect of nursing practice, cultural sensitivity, documentation, communication techniques, asepsis, and the role of the nurse as a member of the healthcare team in a variety of healthcare settings. This course provides an opportunity to assess ethical and legal issues confronting nurses and other health care providers in a variety of healthcare delivery settings. It focuses on the identification and analysis of legal and ethical concepts and principles underlying nursing and healthcare. This course includes current nutritional concepts, application to health promotion and disease prevention. Therapeutic diets, resources, cultural diversity, and key elements to consider for food servicing preparation and storage are taught. The importance of nutrition to the human body and its functions throughout the life cycle is taught. This course
introduces the student to the theories and concepts related to application of computer technology in nursing. The major focus is on computer application skills as it is applied to general education and areas that are crucial to providing computer support for nurses in the delivery of patient care.

Course Student Learning Outcomes
1. Explain the integrated process in the care of the client EOPSLO #1

2. Demonstrate safe and effective care in the care of the client EOPSLO #2

3. Relate health promotion and maintenance in the care of the client EOPSLO #3

4. Relate components of psychosocial integrity in the care of the client EOPSLO #4

5. Relate components of physiological integrity in the care of the client EOPSLO #5

6. Demonstrate the competencies specific to entry level professional nursing EOPSLO #6