PSY-604 Module 3 Assignment: Using SPSS to Analyze One-Way ANOVAs

TEXTBOOK: Mayers, A. (2013). Introduction to statistics and SPSS in psychology. Pearson. Print: 9780273731016

Part 1:

-Run the data analyses that are asked for on page 193 of the textbook.
-Check for normal distribution across relationship satisfaction.
-Conduct an independent one-way ANOVA.
-Copy and paste the results into your assignment.
-Explain what it means to not have homogeneity of between-group variance, what we need to do if this happens and why.
-Develop an alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis for the scenario.
-Identify the variables and their attributes.
-Discuss the results you received whether you reject or fail to reject the null hypotheses and why.

Part 2:

-Run the data analyses that are asked for on page 217 of the textbook.
-Check for normal distribution across the conditions.
-Conduct a repeated-measures one-way ANOVA.
-Conduct appropriate post hoc analyses to indicate where the differences are (if there were any).
-Copy and paste the results into your assignment.
-Develop an alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis for the scenario.
-Describe what sphericity is, why it is important, what your results are, and what that means.
-Interpret the results of your post hoc.
-Discuss the results you received whether you reject or fail to reject the null hypotheses and why.