Breakfast Club

The purpose of the movie analysis paper is to apply information learned in class to a film or documentary. As you write your paper, focus on your analysis of the movie as it relates to the developmental theories, concepts, and milestones, and avoid a basic summary of the movie. I’m familiar with each movie—focus on examples and analogies that relate to theories, concepts, and milestones of development.

Organization of any paper is an important first step. I’m offering two structural options to ensure you don’t leave out any important parts. As you discuss the theories, concepts, and milestones, remember to discuss the related developmental stage using examples from the movie. Regardless of which option you choose, here are the must-include pieces for every paper:
Explicitly discuss one biological theory and one biological concept or milestone.
Explicitly discuss one cognitive theory and one cognitive concept or milestone.
Explicitly discuss one socioemotional theory and one socioemotional concept or milestone.

A few important points:
1) know the difference between a theory and a concept or milestone, 2) know the difference between biological, cognitive, and socioemotional. To help you with these components of the paper, look to your textbook and the words used for description. Is the word “theory” in the title (e.g., Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory)? Then it’s a theory. If not, it is likely a concept or milestone. Also, use the chapter organization to help you determine if a theory, concept, or milestone represents a biological, cognitive, or socioemotional process.
One of the primary reasons that students lose points is that not all parts listed above are included in the paper. To help you remember, choose one of the following structures for organizing your paper.

Option 1: Structure your paper with a heading (bold lettering) for every theory (three total) and concept or milestone (three total).

Option 2: If you prefer a more fluid approach, rather than using headings, as you discuss each of the theories (three total) and concepts or milestones (three total), bold each (e.g., Piaget’s Cognitive Theory, Egocentricsm) in the text. Using this approach, I should see bolded words throughout your text that will easily alert me to each of your theories, concepts, or milestones. Once you bold a theory, concept, or milestone once, you do not need to bold the words subsequently.

Overall, your paper should be a MINIMUM of three COMPLETE pages. Avoid excessive margins and follow the guidelines of APA formatting (information available in Blackboard). Remember to edit because you are expected to write at a college level. Also, pay special attention to avoid plagiarism. Always cite (APA style) information you gathered from a source.