Response/Analysis #1

Use course readings from Krauss, Wiebel, and Manovich. (see the post-medium/new media module on post-medium condition)

Artists: Any from lecture slides on concepts in modernism, or Nauman, Kosuth, Marclay, Vertov, Calle, Ruscha et al from post-medium lecture.

Choose an artwork from the lecture material. Include an image on 3rd page of your submission.

  1. Spend some time researching the artwork on your own, paying attention to artist, country and year made, medium(s) made in, etc. Use the course readings or other. Number of sources is up to you.
  2. From your notes, write a formal analysis including important detail such as the overall form of the work, description of important visual information about its subject, and a clearly written evaluation or interpretation of its possible meanings.
  3. Find a quote from one of the readings (see above) and articulate a well-formed and detailed discussion of the piece in terms of how it is ‘post-medium’, what its ‘technical support’ (use of another older medium is) and how it is an example of ‘new’. Evaluate what, if any, artworks or art historical ideas the piece alludes to and what media forms or cultural references may be part of its meaning.
  4. Include Chicago Style citations and references for the quote, course readings and for any outside references you may have.