Couple Similarities and Differences

Discussion Assignment Instructions

Post one thread of 300 words to the below prompt and you must support your assertions with two scholarly citations in Turabian format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last ten years. Acceptable sources include journals, books, our textbook, and the Bible.

Discussion assignments are research-based threads and replies. This means that each one need to have a research citation that supports what you are saying. Without the research, it is your opinion only.



In the PREPARE/ENRICH training, Dr. Olson discusses couple strengths. There are a number of theories/ideas about what constitutes a couple’s strength(s). Some texts recommend that couples should be similar so that they have their likenesses to lean on in stressful times. Others contend that couple differences diminish the weaknesses of the other spouse. How do you approach this idea? Is there evidence in Scripture or in couple / marriage research that supports your position?